Adding your Team
Adding your team to collaborate with you helps make GreenPlaces a productive resource to help you accomplish your ESG goals.
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Adding your team to collaborate with you helps make GreenPlaces a productive resource to help you accomplish your ESG goals.
Last updated
To get the most out of GreenPlaces, we recommend inviting the following roles within your organization to join you on GreenPlaces. Involving your "Green Team" can help you be successful in accomplishing your ESG goals.
The "Members" tab is on the left side of the dashboard under the "Settings" menu. You can also navigate to the "Members" page by clicking here.
Click "Add User" at the top of the screen to invite a new user. Enter the email address of the person you're wanting to invite and select a role. You change the roles for people on your team at any time after they've joined your team.
Company Managers: Company managers have administrative permissions for a company. And can add new users to a company.
Company Members: Company members have permission to create, read, update, and delete data. Company members cannot add new users to a company.
Location Managers: Location managers have permission to create, read, update, and delete data for a specific location. Location managers can add team members to manage their location with them.
Vendors: Vendor accounts have permission to create, read, and update data for a particular vendor. Vendors can add team members to contribute data for the vendor account. Vendors can update their vendor profile, respond to questionnaires, and create, update, and delete provided footprints.
Contributors: Contributors have permission to create, read, and update data for a company. Contributors cannot delete data and cannot add team members.
Auditors: Auditors can only view data for a specific company and its subsidiaries.
The person you invite will receive the invitation via email. They can then accept the invitation to join your team on GreenPlaces. They will be asked to enter their name and accept our Terms and Conditions to create their account.
To remove a user from GreenPlaces, simply select their name from the list of accounts and navigate to the "Security" tab.
Then scroll down to see the "Remove User" button. Click this to remove the user from your company.
A confirmation box will appear. Click "Remove User" to remove the user from your company.
To change a user's role, click "Manage Access" a the top of the profile. A modal will appear with the available roles for that user. Select the role that you would like the user to have. For Location Manager and Vendor roles, you will also be asked to select the Location(s) or Vendor(s) that you'd like the user to have access to.