Configuring SSO
GreenPlaces offers single sign on through OpenID Connect or SAML 2.0. SSO is a secure way to provision GreenPlaces user accounts using your organization's existing identity provider.
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GreenPlaces offers single sign on through OpenID Connect or SAML 2.0. SSO is a secure way to provision GreenPlaces user accounts using your organization's existing identity provider.
Last updated
Please reference the below documentation on how to configure Single Sign On with your GreenPlaces account.
For customers desiring to integrate an identity provider such as Okta with GreenPlaces, single sign on settings can be configured from the GreenPlaces dashboard by your platform administrator.
To configure your SSO settings, navigate to
Navigate to the Preferences tab in the GreenPlaces platform. Select “Single Sign On” from the top navigation bar.
Your company’s base organization ID will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Copy this organization ID to use in the next step.
To utilize SSO with GreenPlaces using Okta, first create a private app within your Okta dashboard.
To create the private application, click “Create App Integration”. This will open a modal that asks for the type of application you’re wanting to create.
Select “OIDC - OpenID Connect” as the “Sign-in method”.
Select “Web Application” as the “Application type”. Click “Next”.
On the next screen, enter the following details to configure your application:
App integration name: GreenPlaces
Logo: We recommend using the logo file included at the end of this document.
Grant type
Uncheck “Client Credentials”
Check “Authorization code”
redirect URIs
The url should be set to, where ORGANIZATION_ID is the base organization ID that was identified earlier within the GreenPlaces platform.
Please note: if you are configuring multiple SSO providers with GreenPlaces, your organization ID may have an integer at the end such as “-1” or “-2”. For most use cases, your organization only has one organization ID.
You can now assign the users from your organization that you would like to have access to the application.
In the GreenPlaces platform, click “Create” to add a new SSO configuration.
Enter in the following information into the form to create your Okta provider:
Select “Okta” as the Provider.
For the Base URL, enter in the login url for your company. This may be something like “”. You can find your base URL under Customizations > Brands in the Okta Dashboard.
Enter the Client ID and Client Secret from the application page that we created in Step 2.
Note: you can always rotate your client secret as often as desired in accordance with your company’s internal security and compliance policies.
Click “Save” to continue.
Share the Organization ID of your SSO configuration with the users that are assigned access to GreenPlaces. Then, navigate to the GreenPlaces login page at
Click “Sign in with SSO” at the bottom of the screen. This will open a modal that asks for the Organization ID.
Enter the Organization ID in the text box. Click “Continue” to start the authentication process.
You will be directed to sign in with Okta. Enter in your login credentials with Okta and click “Sign in”.
If the user is assigned to the GreenPlaces application, they will be redirected to the GreenPlaces Dashboard.